Year Admitted: 2001
Date Signed Bar Roll: 25 May 2022 (Bar Reader: 2020/2021)
- Bachelor of Laws
- Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
- Bachelor of Arts
Professional Memberships:
- South Australian Bar Association
2022 – Lindy Powell KC, most accomplished bar reader
Areas of practice:
- Class Actions
- Common Law/Personal Injury – Dust Diseases
- Common Law/Personal Injury – Motor Vehicles
- Common Law/Personal Injury – Negligence
- Common Law/Personal Injury – Professional Negligence
- Common Law/Personal Injury – Workers Compensation
- Commercial – Real Property
- Industrial/Employment – Discrimination
- Industrial/Employment – Work Health and Safety
- Inquests/Inquiries – Commissions and other Inquiries
- Inquests/Inquiries – Coronial Inquests
- Public/Administrative – Native Title
Liz has been at the Independent Bar for over two years. She signed the Bar Roll in 2022 and was awarded the Lindy Powel KC, most accomplished Bar Reader 2022.
Since being at the Bar, Liz has received briefs in high profile Inquests, medical negligence, negligence, insurance, worker’s compensation, industrial claims and class actions.
She commenced her career at the Crown Solicitor’s Office and developed a wide range of experiences and capabilities over the following 19 years. She began in the Native Title Section where she took responsibility for policy and advice. She then transferred to the Civil Litigation Section and conducted a combined practice of medical negligence, negligence, workers compensation, Inquests and asbestos exposure matters. Liz therefore has a thorough knowledge of these areas of law and specialist expertise in mechanisms of government.
From 2005 to 2007 Liz led the legal team in the Wangary Bushfire Inquest for the State of South Australia. She was subsequently involved in the multi-million dollar personal injury and property class actions triggered by the Inquest. During this time she represented multiple agencies and CFS volunteers and is experienced at coordinating and supporting various stakeholders, managing complex circumstances, and identifying and managing potential conflicts of interest. Liz developed her specialist capabilities in class action litigation during this period.
Liz has extensive experience both appearing at Inquests and briefing in high level Inquiries such as the Kuskoff Inquest involving the StarForce. This included a successful application to the South Australian Supreme Court in relation to the protection of Star Group Officer’s Identities which has set a precedent across Australia.
Liz has many years of experience appearing as counsel for the Crown before joining the Bar. Liz prides herself in her client relations and believes that her vast experience as a solicitor provides her with the insight to provide excellent service as a barrister.
Liz is pleased to accept all briefs except in criminal or family law matters but has a particular interest in General Negligence/PI; Medical Negligence; Workers Compensation; Employment/Industrial Law; Native Title; Inquests, Inquiries and Commissions; Class Actions; Asbestos exposure and Commercial & Property matters.